First time contact lens fittingA first time contact lens fitting begins with a comprehensive eye exam to ensure your prescription is current and your eyes are in good health. Then, we find which type of contact lenses best suit your lifestyle and needs. Next, a one on one contact lens training with an experienced staff member will help you learn how to insert and remove the contact lenses. The last step is to follow-up the next week to ensure that your eyes are comfortable and that your vision is excellent! |
Annual contact lens examContact lens wearers should have an annual exam to evaluate their contact lens prescription and contact lens fit, as well as their eye health. This contact lens exam can be done during your annual eye exam. Come in for a contact lens exam even if you have had your eye exam elsewhere! |
Ordering contact lenses
To place your contact lens order, please call our office at 617.666.1800. Contact lenses can either be picked up at our office or shipped at no cost to your location. Please be ready to provide a payment method over the phone.
Come visit us!
Monday: 8am-4pm Tuesday: 9am-8pm Wednesday: Closed Thursday: 9am-7pm Friday: 8am-4pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed |